Configure Messenger

  • To view Messenger configuration:
    • Genesys Cloud CX 1 Digital Add-on II, Genesys Cloud CX 2, Genesys Cloud CX 2 Digital, Genesys Cloud CX 3, or Genesys Cloud CX 3 Digital license
    • Web Deployments Configurations All permission
    • Web Deployments Deployments > All permission
    • An inbound messaging flow
  • To view the Brand Logo and Bot Avatar upload fields: Uploads > PublicAsset > Upload permission
  • To view the Knowledge Base selection field: Knowledge > Knowledgebase > View permission
  • To view the Co-browse field: Conversation > Cobrowse > Add permission or Conversation > CobrowseVoice > Add permission 
  • To view and update the content profile: Messaging > Supported Content > Add, Delete, Edit, and View permission 

    Messaging improves the experience for customers when they visit your website. Before you use web messaging, configure it in Genesys Cloud. To configure web or mobile messaging in your organization, follow these steps: 

    1. Click Admin.
    2. Under Message, click Messenger Configurations.
    3. Click New Configuration.
    4. Enter a name and description.
    5. Click the Appearance tab and complete the following information:
      1. Under Set your Launcher Visibility, select a visibility option for the button that opens the Messenger window.
        • Always show (default): The button is always visible.
        • Always hide: The button is not visible. Use Always hide if you build your own custom Messenger.
        • Hide until triggered by business logic: The button is not visible initially and becomes visible when business logic triggers the button on your webpage. After this button triggers, the launcher remains visible while the conversation is active. You can set this button to trigger programmatically through SDK commands or Predictive Engagement Action Maps.
      2. Under User Interface, perform one of these steps:
        • To deploy with the Messenger native user interface, leave the default On setting unchanged.
        • To build your own messaging client through the Messenger’s Headless SDK functions, click On, which turns off the setting. Under Set your Session Persistence, select whether Messenger should continue sessions when you navigate across sub-domains of your website where Messenger is present. Changing this selection impacts active sessions. For more information, see What is Messenger Session Persistence and how does it work?
      3. Under Messenger Homescreen, select whether you want the Messenger to display the home screen. When you turn on this feature, configure the brand logo, customize predefined Messenger labels, and enable the Knowledge App. For more information, see Messenger Homescreen and knowledge articles overview.
      4. Under Add a logo, select the required image to use as the brand logo. When you enable this option, the image appears in the home screen and throughout the knowledge base. The images must be in JPG, PNG, or GIF formats and 512 KB or less in size. Images larger than 200 x 70 pixels will be resized.
      5. Under Select your Messenger Color, to configure the Messenger color according to your organization’s preference, perform one of the following steps.
        Note:  The primary color affects the appearance of the Messenger interface, for example, header, background color of the launcher button, and customer’s message bubble.
        • In #HEX notation, manually enter the web color code.
        • Using the color picker, select the primary color that best matches your brand. 
      6. Under Select your Messenger Position, select the Messenger alignment and spacing when it appears on your website.
        1. Under Align to, to select how the Messenger appears on your webpage, choose one of the following:
          • Auto (default): Messenger automatically detects the text direction of the webpage. If the webpage has left-to-right (‘ltr’) direction, then the Messenger appears on the right of the webpage. If the webpage has right-to-left (‘rtl’) direction, then the Messenger appears on the left of the webpage.
          • Left: Messenger appears on the left of the webpage.
          • Right: Messenger appears on the right of the webpage.
        2. Under Side spacing and Bottom spacing, select or enter the offset spacing alignment in pixels from the closest page border.
        3. To return to the default alignment and spacing settings, click Reset.
      7. Under Select your Supported Languages, click the Select language(s) list and choose the languages that you want to support in the Messenger interface.
      8. Under Select Default Language, click the Select language list and choose the default language. Messenger attempts to automatically detect the customer’s languages from the browser preferences. If the detected language matches any supported language, the Messenger applies the corresponding localized labels to the UI elements. If the detected language does not match any supported language, the Messenger shows UI labels in the default language. For more information, see Genesys Cloud supported languages.
      9. Click Edit Labels and optionally customize predefined Messenger labels when you enable Messenger Homescreen. You can customize labels for each supported language in the configuration. 
    6. Click the Apps tab and complete these steps:
      1. Under Messaging, select whether to enable web messaging conversations. When this option is disabled, user can still use Messenger for separate functions like the Knowledge App or Co-browse for Voice.
      2. Under Humanize your Conversation, select whether to display a participant name and avatar with the messages that route to your customers. When this feature is on, optionally define a bot name and custom avatar. To configure agent profiles, see Add an agent alias and image. Images must be in JPG, PNG, or GIF formats. The minimum recommended size for images is 75 x 75 pixels.
      3. Under Clear Conversation, select whether to allow participants to clear their current messaging conversation. When you enable this option, the new bin iconNew bin icon appears in Messenger. This option enhances participant privacy from shared devices. Once triggered, it disconnects conversations that are currently in queue or connected to agent, which optimizes workforce productivity.
      4. Under Conversation Disconnect, select the messaging behavior that informs your customers when the conversation disconnects. To set a conversation disconnect type, choose one of the following options:
        • Do not display conversation status: The disconnect event does not appear to the customer.
        • Display conversation status: The user receives information about the disconnect event. Existing conversations still continue.
        • Display conversation status and disconnect session: The user receives information about the disconnect event and can start a new conversation, if necessary.
      5. Under Rich Text Formatting, select whether to allow rich text formatting. For more information, see Markdown syntax for rich text in Messenger.
      6. Under Automatically Start Conversations, select whether conversations start automatically when the user expands the Messenger window. This setting works best when you configure Architect’s inbound message flow to send automatic greetings. When this feature is off, conversations start when the user sends the first message.
        NoteTo improve customer experience, Genesys recommends that you configure an initial welcome message with Architect’s Send Response action available from your inbound message flow prior to a Call Bot Flow action.
      7. Under Attachments, select whether to enable or disable attachments from customers. 
        Note: You can refine the list of attachment file types by selecting a Supported Content Profile within your Messenger Deployment. For more information about selecting supported content profiles, see Deploy Messenger and Web messaging and supported content profile.
      8. Under Typing Indicators, select whether to inform the other party when a reply is being typed. For more information about agent-specific permissions, see Work with message interactions.
      9. To allow only authenticated users to start a web messaging session with agents, under Authentication, perform these steps: 
        1. If you do not already have a valid OpenID Connect Messenger Configuration integration, click Set-up an Integration here. From the AppFoundry, search and install OpenID Connect Messenger Configuration. Configure the integration, and then return here to complete your Messenger configuration.
          Note: To enable authentication, make sure that you have a valid OpenID Connect Messenger Configuration integration.
        2. Enable the Authentication toggle. 
        3. Enable Step-up authentication during conversation.
        4. In Select an integration, select your OpenID Connect Messenger Configuration.
          Note: For an overview of all the steps needed to enable authenticated web message, see Get started with authenticated web messaging.
      10. Under Co-browse, select whether to allow agents to request to view a customer’s screen. After you enable this option, you can also enable the agents to request control of the user’s screen. Also, select the channels for which you want to enable co-browse. Additional configuration options include masking of sensitive fields and limiting fields or buttons to read-only, even when the agent has control of the sharer’s browser.
        Note: Co-browse is not currently available for Mobile Messenger.
      11. Under Knowledge Articles, select whether to enable the knowledge app. When you enable Messenger Homescreen and knowledge articles, users can search for answers to commonly asked questions and topics. Knowledge bases that you publish from the knowledge workbench V2 appear in the list.
      12. Under Predictive Engagement, select whether to enable the Messenger to collect data about customer activity on your website. Predictive Engagement uses this data to track and manage customer activity.
        Note: Predictive Engagement is not currently available for Mobile Messenger.
    7. Click Save New Version or Save Draft.
      1. To save the draft as a new version, click Save New Version. For example, the initial draft becomes version 1. The next saved version becomes version 2. Make sure that you save a version of a Messenger configuration before you assign it to a Messenger deployment.
      2. To save the configuration as a draft, click Save Draft.

      Next step: Deploy Messenger. To deploy Messenger, create a Messenger deployment and assign a Messenger configuration to the deployment.

      To manage your Messenger configuration, you can perform these tasks: