Interactions view

Features coming soon: Support for Instagram message type, support for authentication of web messaging interactions, predictive agents proposed


The following permissions:

  • Analytics > Conversation Aggregate > View
  • Analytics > Conversation Detail > View 
  • AnalyticsData Export All
  • Directory > User > View
  • Groups > Team > View (to filter agent list by Work Team)
  • Reporting > CustomParticipantAttributes > View (to export custom participant attributes)
  • Outbound > Campaign > View (to view Outbound columns)
  • Outbound > Campaign > Search (to view Campaign names)
  • Outbound > Contact List > Search (to view Contact List names)
  • Routing > Queue > View, Routing > Queue > Search, and Routing > Wrap-up Code > View (to view Queue and Wrap-up columns)
  • Analytics > interactionEvaluationDetails > View (to view Evaluations columns)
  • Analytics > interactionSurveyDetails > View (to view Surveys columns)
  • Conversation > Communication > reconnect (to reconnect to a closed email)
  • Conversation > Email > Park (for an agent to park an email)
  • Conversation > Communication > Target (for division access restriction).
  • For a supervisor to reassign or blind transfer the parked email to another agent:
    • Conversation > Communication > Transfer
    • Conversation > Communication > blindTransfer or Conversation > Communication > blindTransferAgent
  • For a supervisor to reassign or blind transfer the parked email to another queue:
    • Conversation > Communication > Transfer
    • Conversation > Communication > blindTransfer or Conversation > Communication > blindTransferQueue 

One or more of the following permissions:

  • Quality > Calibration > View 
  • Quality > Evaluation > Add 
  • Quality > Evaluation > Edit Score
  • Conversation > Communication > View

  • ConversationCallAssign (to manually assign a call to an agent)
  • Conversation > Webchat Assign (to manually assign a chat to an agent)
  • Conversation > Message Assign (to manually assign a message to an agent)
  • Conversation > Callback Assign (to manually assign a callback to an agent)
  • Conversation > Email Assign (to manually assign an email to an agent)
  • ConversationCallPull (to manually assign a call to yourself)
  • Conversation > Webchat Pull (to manually assign a chat to yourself)
  • Conversation > Message Pull (to manually assign a message to yourself)
  • Conversation > Callback Pull (to manually assign a callback to yourself)
  • Conversation > Email Pull (to manually assign an email to yourself)

    To view in-progress and complete interactions, click Performance > Workspace > Contact Center > Interactions

    Available columns

    To view the available columns, see the Interactions view section in the View available columns in performance views by category article.

    To view the consolidated list of available columns in the performance views, see Consolidated view of available columns in performance views.

    To view the list of available columns in the performance views by category, see View available columns in performance views by category.

    Extra columns for export

    The export contains two extra columns: Full Export Completed, and Partial Result time stamp. 

    Full Export Completed

    The values for Full Export Completed are YES, NO, or a number.

    • YES = You received all the interactions requested.
    • NO  = Export exceeded the limit of exporting recent conversations. When you use the filtering by date option to export the recent conversations and if the number of conversations per twelve-hour period exceeds the preset limit, the export file has only partial results. Conversations typically greater than one day old can be exported at a significantly higher volume.
    • A number = The file was truncated as the data exceeded the maximum row limit.

    Partial Result Timestamp

    A partial result timestamp exists under two conditions.

    • Export attempted to pull recent conversations at a volume that exceeded the limit.
    • Data exceeded the total maximum row limit. A number in the Full Export Completed column shows the number of rows that exceeded the maximum row limit and a timestamp for the most recent interaction in the export file.

    There are four conditions that can exist for the Full Export Completed and Partial Result Timestamp columns.

    Full Export Completed Partial Result Timestamp Description of Condition
    YES All requested data was exported.
    NO 8/19/19 18:45 Export exceeded the limit for exporting recent conversations. The timestamp indicates the most recent transaction.
    <####> All requested data was not exported as the data exceeded the maximum row limit. The Full Export Completed column indicates the row limit.
    <####> 8/19/19 18:45

    All requested data was not exported due to exceeding the recent conversation volume limit and the total maximum row count. The Full Export Completed column indicates the row limit. The timestamp indicates the most recent transaction.

    Set a default time zone in the workspace

    You can set the default time zone in the analytics workspace before viewing any analytics view.

    To set the default time zone in the workspace, follow these steps:

    1. Click Performance > Workspace.
    2. On the left side, from the Time zone drop-down menu, select the required time zone as the default time zone for the analytics workspace.

    To view more information about an interaction, click to open it and view the interaction detail page in a new tab. You can jump between the interaction tabs to see the interaction list view and the interaction detail view. The title of the interaction detail view tab shows the truncated Interaction ID and has a fixed width as all other tabs in the workspace. When you hover over the tab name, a tooltip with the untruncated Interaction ID appears.

    • When switching between the interaction detail view tabs, the recording playback stops working.
    • When switching between the interaction detail view tabs, the following features on the interaction detail view tab continue to work as expected:
      • Monitor/coach/Barge a live call
      • Interaction download
      • Quality management/evaluations
      • Schedule Coaching
      • Audit Trail tab
    • The number of interaction detail view tabs that can be opened at a time is limited to a maximum of 20 tabs. If the user opens a new tab by clicking an interaction while 20 tabs are open, the new interaction detail tab opens in the existing tab.

    Click More in the title of the interaction detail view tab and choose the required task to perform any of the following:

    Columns Description
    Reload Reloads the current tab alone.
    Duplicate Creates a duplicate copy of the current tab.
    Close Closes the current tab alone.
    Close all tabs Closes all the open tabs.
    Close other tabs Leaves the current tab open and closes all the other open tabs.

    To rename the title of the interaction detail view tab:

    1. Click Save View on the right side. The Save View pane appears.
    2. In View Name, Enter view name.
    3. Click Save. The title of the interaction detail view tab is renamed.
    Note: If a flow outcome is listed as an interaction and it’s in a division where the user isn’t permitted to see, then it appears dimmed.

    To view interactions with voice transcript content, see Content Search view.

    To retain recordings for potential litigation, you can protect interaction recordings from deletion when complying with legal directives. From the Interactions list, select the interactions you want to protect. Click the Protect Recordings option that appears above the list. As a result, the selected interactions are protected from deletion. For more information, see Protect recordings from deletion for a legal hold directive.  

    Note: No metrics are available beyond the maximum retention time of the interaction data. For more information, see Set the maximum interaction data retention time.

    You can copy an interaction’s Conversation ID to the Clipboard and use it to filter interactions or share it with someone including Customer Care.

    Here's how to copy the Conversation ID to the clipboard.

    1. In an interaction's row, click More .
    2. Click Copy Conversation ID.

    To navigate through the pages, use the Previous previous page icon, Next next page icon, First first page icon, and Last last page icon icons on the pagination control. To jump multiple pages at a time, click the First first page icon and Last last page icon icons.

    Note: When you navigate through actively updating records, the last known page is estimated, and can return no results or display additional pages.

    To save the view with your filter and column settings, click Save .

    To export the data in the view, click Export .

    This view does not update as new interactions occur. To see new interactions, click Refresh .

    Note: The Interactions view shows all transfers in all queues. The Queue performance view shows only the count transfers for that queue alone. So if a call transfers in two queues, the call transfers count is calculated against two separate queues in the queue performance view.

    For example, in the Interactions view, if an interaction A is transferred into Queue X and Queue Y, then the call transfers count for the interaction A is 2. In the Queue performance view, if an interaction A is transferred into Queue X and Queue Y, the call transfers count in the Queue X is 1.

    Customize the view

    To show only certain data, customize the Interactions view. For example, you can choose to show only certain columns or filter to see certain types of interactions. Your customizations remain in effect even if you leave and return to the view. You can also save your filter and column settings as a saved view to switch quickly between different data of interest in the same view. 

    • The custom date range option in this view has a maximum length of 31 days. 
    • Results are based on conversations with activity within the specified date range matching all the supplied filters. The interval must cover the UTC date the conversation started to be included in the search results. For more information, see developer center article
    • If you filter for a date and go back more than six-quarters (558 days), expect the performance to be slow when looking for data past that duration.

    To customize analytics views, use the date filter.

    To filter metrics by date or configure a custom date range, use presets. When filtering metrics for this view, select any custom date range up to one month. 

    To use a preset to filter metrics, complete the following steps:

    1. Click the date to display the date filter.
    2. In the Presets list, select a preset date option.

    Date presets

    Presets Description
    Current interval

    Shows data for the current 30-minute time period.

    Today Shows data for the time period that includes the current interval.
    Yesterday Shows data for the previous day.
    This week Shows data for a Sunday through Saturday time period.
    Last week Shows data for the previous week and Sunday through Saturday.
    Previous 7 days Shows data for the previous seven days.
    This month Shows data for the current month with no extra days.
    This month by week  If the month does not start on Sunday or end on Saturday, shows data for the current calendar month starting on Sunday and ending on Saturday including extra days.
    Last month Shows data for the previous calendar month with no extra days.
    Previous 30 days Shows data for the previous 30 days.

    Shows data for a 30-minute time period.

    Day Shows data for a single 24-hour day.
    Week Shows data for a Sunday through Saturday time period.
    Month Shows data for the exact month with no extra days. If the current month is selected, you see the data up to the current date.
    Month by Week If the month does not start on Sunday or end on Saturday, shows data for a calendar month starting on Sunday and ending on Saturday including extra days.

    To use a custom date range to filter metrics, complete the following steps:

    1. To display the date filter, click the date.
    2. Select a start date and an end date on the calendar, and click the filter arrow .

    To view data for a different time period using the same date presets, click the arrows on either side of the date display.

    For example, to view data for the previous day, click the Day preset, and then click the arrow on the left side of the date.

    To view data for a different time zone using the same date presets, from the Time zone drop-down menu, select the required time zone. You can create and save reports with the same selected time zone.

    You can manually assign waiting interactions (interactions not chose up by an agent) to another agent or yourself. 

    • Genesys recommends that you filter your interactions list to show only the waiting interactions.
    • The interactions in the list are not live interactions.
    • Genesys Cloud automatically assigns the interactions. If you try to reassign an automatically assigned interaction at the same time, an error appears.

    Manually assign a waiting interaction to another agent

    1. From the Performance > Workspace > Contact Center > Interactions view, find the interaction you want to assign to another user.
    2. Select the More menu associated with the interaction.
    3. From the menu, select Assign to Other.
    4. In the search box, begin typing the agent’s name. As you enter a name, agent names are displayed in the search results.
    5. Select the agent’s name. 

    Manually assign a waiting interaction to yourself

    1. From the Performance > Workspace > Contact Center > Interactions view, find the interaction you want to assign to yourself.
    2. Select the More menu associated with the interaction.
    3. From the menu, select Assign to Self.

    1. To filter by media type, click the Filter icon Filter button.
    2. Select the media type. 

    • When filtering you can select more than one media type. Click the relevant media type to select or deselect the type.
    • You cannot select the voice and callback types at the same time.
    • If you select voice, the callback option will be deselected. If you select callback, the voice interaction will be deselected.
    • The available media types may vary from those shown above.

    The selected media type icon is displayed above the column headers. For more information about various media types and their settings, see the Set behavior and thresholds for all interaction types section in the Create and configure queues.


    Reconnect to a closed email

    You can reconnect to a closed email from the Interactions view page. 

    To reconnect to a closed email interaction:

    1. Click Performance > Workspace > Contact Center > Interactions
    2. Select the required interaction to reconnect to the closed email.
    3. Click the More menu corresponding to the required interaction.
    4. Click the Reconnect conversation Icon included icon. The interaction is routed to the conversation roster of the agent reconnecting the closed email. You can reply to it as you do with any other open email interaction.

    For more information about replying to an email, see Reply to or forward an email message interaction

    • You cannot reply to or reconnect an expired conversation. Expired conversations include the following:
    • You cannot reconnect to a conversation that is in a live or connected state. You can only reconnect disconnected conversations.
    • When you reconnect a conversation and reply to its email, the conversation timeline displays a new segment in which the participant appears as user.
    • When you reconnect and reply to an email, Genesys Cloud considers the reply to be outbound.

    The supervisor can view the list of parked emails and reassign them to themselves or another agent or queue. When a previously parked email is reassigned to another agent, the reassigned email is delivered to the receiving agent’s roster by auto answer regardless of the agent’s utilization. As the agent who parked the email gets disconnected when the parked email is reassigned to another agent, the email status becomes unparked. If an auto-answer is enabled, the receiving agent gets two toasts.

    If an email is parked while screen recording is enabled, the recording is stopped. A separate recording gets created when unparking the email. For example, when an email is parked by agent 1, the screen recording of the agent 1 is stopped. When the email is reassigned to agent 2, a new screen recording of agent 2 gets created. The future default AHT excludes park duration. 

    A follow-up email interaction, associated with a parked email, is delivered to the agent roster even when the agent is off queue.

    You can reassign the parked email to:

    • Yourself.
    • Another agent.
    • Queue.

    To copy the conversation ID of the parked email:

    1. Click Performance > Workspace > Contact Center > Interactions
    2. Select the required interaction.
    3. Click the More icon corresponding to the required interaction and select Copy Conversation ID.

    To reassign the parked email to yourself:

    1. Click Performance > Workspace > Contact Center > Interactions
    2. Select the required interaction.
    3. Click the More icon corresponding to the required interaction and click the Assign to Self Assign to Self parked email icon.

    The reassigned email is delivered to your roster by auto answer regardless of your utilization. 

    To reassign the parked email to another agent or queue:

    1. Click Performance > Workspace > Contact Center > Interactions
    2. Select the required interaction.
    3. Click the More icon corresponding to the required interaction and click the Assign to Other icon.
    4. In the Search bar, enter the name of the agent or queue and click the name to reassign it to the agent or queue.

    To show or hide columns:

    1. Click the Pick columns icon on the right side. The Add/Remove Column pane appears.
    2. (Optional) To sort the columns in ascending or alphabetical order, click Sort by > Column Name A-Z
    3. (Optional) To sort the columns in descending or reverse alphabetical order, click Sort by > Column Name Z-A.
    4. (Optional) To categorize or uncategorize the columns, click Sort by and enable or disable the Group by Categories toggle. Click the image to enlarge.

      Sort by options that appear when you add or remove column
    5. Search or scroll to select the columns you want to view.
      Note: You can also use keyboard navigation to choose the columns.
    6. Click Save. The selected columns appear on the screen.
      Note: The column selections appear only after saving the changes and do not apply to the table immediately.

        To rearrange the columns, click a column header and drag it.

        To reset a view to default column settings, click Reset view to defaults .

        You can select up to 20 columns.

        For more information about the metrics shown in the columns, see the Available Columns section in this article. 

        For more information about the metrics shown in the columns, see Metric definitions.

        To filter by information about the interaction, click Filters , and then search or scroll to select the filter you want to use.

        Interaction filters

        Filter Description

        Callback – Time to first connect

        The amount of time between the start of the callback ACD and the start of the first interaction segment on the voice channel.

        Callback – Time to first dial

        The amount of time between the start of the callback ACD and the start of the first dialing segment on the voice channel.

        Displays interactions with the selected ANIs.

        • You can use partial numbers that start from the beginning of the number. Numbers can optionally include the country code: 1317222 or 317222 are valid partial searches. However, you cannot search for a partial string that occurs in the middle of a number. For example, if the entire number is 3172223333, then 7222 is an invalid search.
        • You can search for multiple numbers by searching again.

        Displays information about interactions of the selected directions.

        Initial Direction

        Displays information about interactions with the selected initial direction.


        Displays information for interactions with the selected original DNIS number. This DNIS number was dialed at the beginning of the interaction.

        • Enter only the DNIS number. For example, enter 13172223333. Do not include other characters such as +, -, or ( ).
        • You can use partial numbers that start from the beginning of the number. Numbers can optionally include the country code: 1317222 or 317222 are valid partial searches. However, you cannot search for a partial string that occurs in the middle of a number. For example, if the entire number is 3172223333, then 7222 is an invalid search.
        • Filter for multiple numbers at one time by entering other numbers and searching again.
        Session DNIS

        Displays information for interactions with the selected DNIS number. The DNIS number could have been dialed any time during the interaction.

        • Enter only the DNIS number. For example, enter 13172223333. Do not include other characters such as +, -, or ( ).
        • You can use partial numbers that start from the beginning of the number. Numbers can optionally include the country code: 1317222 or 317222 are valid partial searches. However, you cannot search for a partial string that occurs in the middle of a number. For example, if the entire number is 3172223333, then 7222 is an invalid search.
        • Filter for multiple numbers at one time by entering other numbers and searching again.
        Conversation Duration

        Displays interactions of the selected durations. 

        To search for interactions of a custom duration, select Custom duration and use the controls to set a custom duration:

        • Range: Displays interactions with durations within the selected range.
        • Above: Displays interactions with durations above the selected duration.
        • Below: Displays interactions with durations below the selected duration.

        Displays information for interactions sent to the selected email addresses. 

        • Enter the full email address, such as The filter cannot search for a partial address. 
        • Filter for multiple addresses at one time by entering other addresses and searching again.
        • When searching for a phone number, enter the entire phone number. For example, enter 13171002997 or 3171002997 to search for interactions sent to +1 317-100-2997.
          The filter cannot search for a partial phone number and it cannot process hyphens. You can omit the country code.

        Displays information for interactions sent from the selected email addresses. 

        • Enter the full email address, such as The filter cannot search for a partial address. 
        • Filter for multiple addresses at one time by entering other addresses and searching again.
        • When searching for a phone number, enter the entire phone number. For example, enter 13171002997 or 3171002997 to search for interactions sent to +1 317-100-2997.
          The filter cannot search for a partial phone number and it cannot process hyphens. You can omit the country code.

        Displays abandoned or not abandoned interactions.


        Displays interactions that an agent has blind transferred or consult transferred.

        Blind Transferred

        Displays interactions that an agent has blind transferred.


        Displays interactions that an agent answered and then consulted with another participant without fully transferring the interaction.

        Consult Transferred

        Displays interactions that an agent answered and then consult transferred to another participant.

        Not Responding

        Displays interactions where agents do not answer, and the agent may have transitioned to Not Responding.


        Displays interactions associated with the selected queues. 

        Has fax

        When selected, the filter only shows interactions associated with a fax.


        Displays information associated with the selected users.

        Filter for multiple users at one time by entering other users and searching again.

        To see and select inactive users in the User filter search, select Include inactive users. To see and select deleted users in the User filter search, select Include deleted users.


        Displays interactions that have the selected wrap-up codes.

        Message Type

        Displays interactions of the selected ACD message type. This filter only appears if you set the media type filter to All or Message. If you do not have any message types selected, the view displays information for all message types.

        Genesys Cloud currently supports the following message types: Facebook, Line, Open, SMS, Twitter, Web Messaging, and WhatsApp. 


        Filters interactions for a specific Division. See About access control.

        Conversation ID

        Filters for interactions matching the specific conversation ID. Like the other interaction filters, this filter returns interactions that occurred within the specified date range filter.


        Displays interactions that have the selected skills.

        Filter for multiple skills at one time by entering other skills and searching again.


        Displays interactions that have the selected languages.

        Filter for multiple languages at one time by entering other languages and searching again.


        Displays interactions that have ended.

        Limit Interactions

        Displays interactions matching the selected parameters. 

        • Waiting: Interactions that are in queue and waiting for an agent to answer them.
        • Interacting: Interactions that an agent has answered and is working on.
        • ACD-routed: Interactions that the ACD routed to an agent. 
        • Preferred Agents Requested: Interactions where a preferred agent was requested due to preferred agent routing configuration, even if the system was not able to route the interaction to the preferred agent. 
        • Screen Share: Screen share occurred during the interaction.
        • Co-browse: Co-browse occurred during the interaction
        • Voicemail: The interaction has a voicemail associated with it.
        • Flagged: The interaction was flagged as problematic. 
        • Wrap-up Notes: The interaction has wrap-up notes included. 

        To display interactions that match all of the selected parameters, for example, to see interactions that are waiting and ACD routed, click the toggle to Match All.

        To display interactions that match any of the selected parameters, for example to see interactions that have a screen share or co-browse session, click to the toggle to Match Any.

        Has Media

        Only shows interactions that have multimedia content. This filter only appears if you set the media type filter to Message


        The source provider for the conversation. For example, Genesys Cloud EMAIL, Edge, and so on.

        Time to Abandon

        The duration of time until the conversation was abandoned.


        Whether the interaction was monitored.


        Information on the remote party or external participant, such as name, phone number, and email address.

        Flow-Out Type

        Shows the type of flowout for a conversation that was a flowout from a queue.


        Whether the interaction was answered.

        Routing Used

        Displays the routing method that was used to get to the agent who answered the interaction.

        The routing data is relevant beginning September 5, 2020.

        Routing Requested

        Displays the routing methods that were requested for the interaction. Gives insight into each of the routing methods the conversation went through prior to being answered, abandoned, or flow-out.

        The routing data is relevant beginning September 5, 2020.


        Displays interactions with the selected range of MOS scores. MOS scores range from 1 to 5.

        • Range: Displays interactions with MOS scores within the selected range.
        • Above: Displays interactions with MOS scores above the selected score.
        • Below: Displays interactions with MOS scores below the selected score. 

        For more information, see Mean Opinion Score (MOS) Overview.

        Agent Assist

        Displays interactions with Agent Assist.

        Work Team

        Displays metrics for interactions associated with the selected work team.

        Filter for multiple work teams at one time by entering other work teams and searching again.

        For more information, see Work teams overview.

        SIP Call ID

        Displays information about interactions associated with the selected SIP Call ID.

        External Tag

        Displays information for interactions that have the External Tag attached to the conversation record.

        Note: External tag data is not available for web chat interactions.


        If Yes, displays web messaging interactions that are authenticated. If No, displays web messaging interactions that are not authenticated.


        Displays interactions that were recorded.

        Delivery Status

        Displays interactions with the selected delivery statuses.

        • Delivery Failed
        • Delivery success
        • Failed
        • Queued
        • Read
        • Received
        • Sent

        For a full list of SMS delivery statuses, see SMS delivery receipts.

        Conversation Initiator

        Displays interactions started by a selected initiator (external, user, workflow, customer, or agent).

        Conversation Participation

        Displays email and message interactions started by the customer.

        Cleared by customer Whether or not the conversation was cleared by the customer.

        Show only interactions that have been parked.

        To filter by information about the evaluations of the interaction:

        1. Click Filter 
        2. Click the Evaluations tab.
        3. Search or scroll to select the filter you want to use.

        Evaluation filters

        Filter Description
        Evaluation Score

        Displays interactions with the selected range of scores:

        • Range: Displays interactions with scores within the selected range.
        • Above: Displays interactions with scores above the selected score.
        • Below: Displays interactions with scores below the selected score.
        Evaluation Critical Score

        Displays interactions with the selected range of critical scores:

        • Range: Displays interactions with critical scores within the selected range.
        • Above: Displays interactions with critical scores above the selected score.
        • Below: Displays interactions with critical scores below the selected score.
        Form Displays interactions with evaluations that used the selected forms.

        Displays interactions with evaluations of the selected agents.

        To see and select inactive users in the Agent filter search, select Include inactive users. To see and select deleted users in the Agent filter search, select Include deleted users.


        Displays interactions evaluated by the selected evaluators.

        To see and select inactive users in the Evaluator filter search, select Include inactive users. To see and select deleted users in the Evaluator filter search, select Include deleted users.

        Has Evaluation

        Displays interactions that have evaluation data associated with them.

        Has Scored Evaluation

        Displays interactions that have completed evaluation data associated with them.

        To filter by information about the survey details of the interaction:

        1. Click Filter 
        2. Click the Surveys tab.
        3. Search or scroll to select the filter you want to use.

        Surveys filters

        Filter Description
        Has Survey Data Displays interactions that have survey data associated with them.
        Survey Score Displays interactions with the selected range of survey scores:
        • Range: Displays interactions with scores within the selected range.
        • Above: Displays interactions with scores above the selected score.
        • Below: Displays interactions with scores below the selected score.
        Promoter Score Displays the promoter score given by a survey respondent in a survey. Genesys Cloud uses the promoter score to calculate the survey's overall NPS. For more information about NPS, see Net Promoter Score web survey question overview
        • Range: Displays interactions with scores within the selected range.
        • Above: Displays interactions with scores above the selected score.
        • Below: Displays interactions with scores below the selected score.

        One value listed for each survey associated with the interaction.

        Survey Status

        Displays the status of the survey. 

        • Pending: Genesys Cloud has collected all of the data it needs to send the survey invitation and intends to send it.
        • Sent: Genesys Cloud successfully sent the survey invitation and link to the contact.
        • In Progress: The contact opened the survey link to start the survey.
        • Finished: The contact completed the survey.
        • Error: An error occurred when Genesys Cloud tried to deliver the survey, such as an invalid email address.
        • Opt Out: The contact chose not to receive the surveys. For more information, see Note an External Contact’s survey opt-out preference.
        • Expired: The survey expired. Survey links expire 90 days after Genesys Cloud sends them out.
        • Deleted: The survey form was deleted.

        One value listed for each survey associated with the interaction.

        Survey Form

        Displays the name of the survey form sent.

        One value listed for each survey associated with the interaction.

        Survey Type

        • Web: Displays data for web surveys.
        • Voice: Displays data for voice surveys.

        To filter by information about the outbound details of the interaction:

        1. Click Filter 
        2. Click the Outbound tab.
        3. Search or scroll to select the filter you want to use.

        Outbound filters

        Filter Description
        Campaign Name

        Displays interactions associated with the selected campaigns. When you type a campaign name, the suggested campaigns are displayed with their campaign types, Voice, Email, or SMS. 

        Email campaign type: Display interactions for multiple campaigns by entering other campaign names and searching again. 

        Contact List Displays interactions associated with the selected contact lists.
        Contact ID Displays interactions associated with the selected contact IDs. 

        Displays only interactions that are associated with campaigns.

        To filter by information about the journey details of the interaction:

        1. Click Filter
        2. Click the Journey tab.

        Journey filters

        Filter Description
        Has Customer Journey Data Displays data for interactions with customer journey data.
        Proactive Displays data for interactions where Predictive Engagement offered a chat during a customer’s website visit based on the Predictive Engagement action map settings.   

        To filter by information about the IVR flow details of the interaction:

        1. Click Filter 
        2. Click the Flows tab.
        3. Search or scroll to select the filter you want to use.

        Flows filters

        Filter Description
        Flows Displays interactions associated with the selected IVR flows. 
        Flows Outcomes Displays interactions associated with the selected flow outcome
        Flow Outcome Value Displays interactions that have the selected flow outcome values. 
        Flow Disconnect Reason

        Displays interactions with the selected flow disconnect reason.

        To filter by information about External Contact details of the interaction:

        1. Click Toggle filters panel
        2. Click the External Contact tab.

        External Contact filters

        Filter Description
        External Contact

        Displays information about interactions associated with the selected external contact. You can filter for:

        • Contact name
        • Address
        • Phone number
        • Email address
        • Organization name
        • Custom fields  

        When you filter by external contact, the contact name appears with the associated organization name. 

        Filter for multiple external contacts at one time by entering another contact and searching again.

        Enable Include merged contacts to search all the contacts that relate to the external contacts in the filter.

        Note: You can associate each merged contact with many individual contact IDs. When you enable the Include merged contacts, all merged contact IDs are automatically added to the search. The search filters are limited to 200 total search dimensions.

        For example, if you merge one contact into five other contacts, the search, performed along with the merged contacts, filters a total of six contacts. If an organization heavily uses the merged contacts, a search for a few external contacts can hit the search filter limit.

        External Organization

        Displays information about interactions associated with the selected external organization. You can filter for:

        • Organization name
        • Address
        • Phone number
        • Custom fields

        Filter for multiple external organizations at one time by entering another organization and searching again.