Retention period for analytics data and recording

This article describes recording and data retention periods, limits, and common questions around Genesys Cloud support.

Recording files

The retention period that you set for your quality management (QM) policy determines retention of recording files for policy-based recordings. 

Screen recording policies have a one-year maximum retention period. Call recordings and digital recordings have no upper limits. 

Note: The recording retention period for a QM policy is subject to the maximum interaction data retention period. If the recording is archived, the transcription is archived as well. For more information, see Set the maximum interaction data retention time. Even recordings that are not related to any QM policy are deleted when their date is beyond the specified maximum interaction data retention time.

Speech and text analytics data

The transcript of a recording follows the same retention period that you set for recording files via quality management (QM) policy. After the recording is deleted, the related transcripts delete, along with the topic and sentiment events that the system detects in the transcript.

Overall sentiment score, sentiment trend, and acoustics data for an interaction are retained until all the recordings with related transcripts are deleted from the interaction. For more information, see Set the maximum interaction data retention time.

SIP diagnostics

The SIP PCAP files are retained for 21 days. For more information, see SIP Diagnostics.

Audit Trail

Audit trail data is available, at a minimum, for data that is less than one year old.

Conversation detail data

Conversation detail data is retained for the lifespan of the customer contract unless you set the maximum interaction data retention time. As a result, the conversation detail data is deleted according to the set time. For more information, see Set the maximum interaction data retention time.

When using the interaction data retention setting, the minimum retention period for conversation detail data is 90 days. When using the interaction data retention setting, the maximum retention period for Conversation detail data is five years.

What are the analytics reporting and recording retrieval limitations?

As conversations age, Genesys Cloud does not provide as much retrievability compared with recently completed recordings. The following table illustrates the limitations that occur when accessing analytics data and recordings.

< 1.5 Years 1.5–5 Years > 5 Years
Searching for Conversation in Interactions view Yes Yes No
Interaction Details view, including recording playback Yes Yes* Yes*
Recording Bulk Export that was established via QM Policy (Automatic) Yes N/A N/A
Recording Bulk Export via Bulk Action API Yes Yes

Limited ** 

Recording Bulk Delete via Bulk Action API Yes Yes

Limited ** 

Recording Bulk Archive via Bulk Action API Yes Yes

Limited ** 

Analytics Details API Yes No No
Analytics Conversation Detail Jobs API Populated Nightly Yes No
Analytics Aggregates API Yes Yes No
GET Recording API Access Yes Yes Yes

* The interaction details view has less information available for interactions > 1.5 years. Specifically:

  • Recording
  • Details tab – only includes:
    • Interaction ID
    • Interaction Type
    • Names of internal and external participants, if found in Genesys Cloud (as users or external contacts, respectively)
    • Recording retention controls
      Additional interaction details (for example, disconnect reason, start time/end time, direction, queue, duration, wrap-up information, and so on) are missing.
  •  Timeline tab – Interaction timeline is unavailable
  • Transcription tab – The Transcript tab is available on enabling the transcription for the call. The Transcription tab does not include conversation events (for example, when a participant joins or leaves the interaction). 

** The Recording bulk action API typically uses the conversationQuery parameter to find recordings for bulk actions. This parameter, however, has a limit of five years, similar to the Analytics Conversation Detail Jobs API. If you must work with recordings older than five years, use the alternative agedConversationInterval parameter. While this parameter allows working with all recordings within a specific date range, it does not support the generic filtering capabilities offered by the conversationQuery (such as filtering by queue or division). Use conversationQuery for recent recordings with filtering options, and agedConversationInterval for performing bulk action functions (archive, export, and delete) recordings older than five years without filtering.

Can my data access be extended beyond five years?

Currently, the data remains safely stored in our data archive while improvements to the platform are underway to extend access. For compliance requests with recordings over 5 years old, retrieve the recording via the Conversation ID with the GET Recording API. If Conversation ID is not known, use the Recording bulk action API with the agedConversationInterval parameter to export aged recordings of a specific date range, and and subsequently perform a local search on the S3 bucket to find the relevant recordings.