Genesys Cloud – 近日公開予定の機能

このプレビューでは、次のGenesys Cloudリリースに予定されている機能をリストします。 The features will not be live in Genesys Cloud until July 29, 2024. The feature descriptions in the July 29, 2024 Genesys Cloud Release Notes will contain links to the accompanying documentation in the Resource Center or Developer Center. For information about upcoming Genesys Cloud feature releases, see the Feature releases and Announcements sections in Genesys Cloud Release Notes.

機能の可用性は、地域の準備状況、製品ライセンス、Genesys のリリース スケジュールなどの要因に基づいて異なる場合があります。 詳細については、 Genesys Cloud リリーススケジュールをご覧ください。

Barge-in capability for supervisors and administrators

Supervisors and administrators can now barge into their agents' voice conversations. This new feature allows supervisors to join calls as active participants and provide real-time assistance and control when needed directly from the Interactions Details page. Alongside the existing Monitor and Coach options, this new control is available for agents who are actively on a call. After a supervisor barges in, they automatically connect to the call and can view call details via a new entry in the ACD Interactions pane on the agent's UI. This capability also grants supervisors the same controls as the agent, such as transfer and conference options. Previously, supervisors could monitor or coach agents on ACD calls. Monitoring allowed them to listen in without the agent knowing, and coaching let them speak to the agent without the customer hearing.

Enhanced agent status visibility for supervisors

Supervisors can now see a detailed breakdown of the amount of time that agents spend in specific secondary statuses. This feature ensures that secondary status durations now appear directly in the Agents > Statuses view. When all secondary statuses are selected and the necessary permissions are in place, the sum of the secondary status durations matches the primary status duration. Previously, supervisors had to use the User Status Detail report to determine the duration of agents in particular secondary statuses. This enhancement provides a clear view of the time distribution within an agent's primary status and offers greater insight into their activities, which enables supervisors to more efficiently monitor and manage agent performance.

Utilization labels for Click to Dial API

Developers can now use Utilization Labels in the Embeddable Framework and Salesforce Click to Dial API to control the number of interactions that route to an agent. Each user-created label now contains a unique capacity and interruptibility settings, which provide more refined control over agent utilization. Developers can configure Genesys Cloud to attach identifiers, such as a complexity score, to conversations. For example, an agent may be restricted to handling only two interactions with a high complexity score at any given time. This enhancement helps agents to focus on higher-priority tasks when necessary and also bridges platform functionality with integration features, which improves resources efficiency and agent workload management.

Genesys Cloud Voice phone number availability in LATAM countries

Administrators can now purchase Genesys Cloud Voice (GCV) phone numbers in Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, and Colombia for organizations with local addresses in these countries. This new feature allows customers to access local phone numbers, which enable them to connect with regional clients and stakeholders. Also, these phone numbers come with added functionalities such as emergency services and number portability, excluding Colombia. Documentation requirements and some service restrictions apply. To request these phone numbers, reach out to Genesys Cloud Voice Support. This feature is currently available in select regions.

Genesys Cloud Background Assistant screen recording support for CX Cloud from Genesys and Salesforce

Agents who use both voice and digital capabilities for CX Cloud from Genesys and Salesforce can now use Genesys Cloud Background Assistant (GCBA) on Windows 10 and 11 operating systems for screen recording. Administrators can install GCBA independently from CX Cloud installations. This feature addresses a gap between CX Cloud and Open CTI and is essential for quality management. With GCBA, the screen recording capabilities send appropriate signaling to authenticate the application and to track the user conversation life. 

Real time update of gamification scores

Administrators can now see immediate updates to gamification scores and agent scorecards. Previously, Genesys Cloud updated external metrics for gamification scores and agent scorecards nightly, up to seven days in the past. With this new feature, changes to external metrics for past days are now immediately reflected in gamification scores and agent scorecards. This improvement provides an accurate and timely reflection of performance metrics, which allows administrators and agents to respond to changes more quickly and effectively.

2024 Genesys CIDR 拡張およびファイアウォール要件通知

On October 28, 2024 Genesys will migrate an additional /18 CIDR block of IP addresses used for Genesys Cloud public-facing media services. These addresses supplement existing regions and cover growth in future regions. The new IP range is Additionally, Genesys will expand the RTP port range and move the Force TURN IP addresses to the new Genesys CIDR block.

 メモ:   この機能リストは変更される可能性があります。