Edit contacts in a contact list

  • Outbound > Contactlist > Add, Delete, Edit, View permissions
  • Outbound > Contact > View to view contact list editor
  • Outbound > Contact > Add, Delete, Edit permissions
  • Outbound > Contact > View to export

Contact list editor allows administrators to manage contacts in a contact list. 

To access the contact list editor, follow these steps:

  1. Click Admin.
  2. Under Outbound, click List Management.
  3. Click the Contact Lists tab. The Contact Lists view appears.
  4. From the Contact Lists view, click More .
  5. Select Edit Contacts. The contact list editor appears.

    Use the contact list editor controls to refresh the page, switch contact lists, and show or hide columns.

    Control Action

    Refreshes the page to show a bulk edit in progress

     Refreshes the page and shows a bulk edit in progress.

    Note: Bulk edit and bulk delete take time to edit the contacts based on the number of contacts in the contact list.

    Contact List
    Use this dropdown box to switch contact lists

     Switches between contact lists. 

    Show or hide columns
    Click this button to hide columns in the contact list editor

    Displays the Show/Hide Columns dialog and allows you to hide columns in the contact list editor. 

    System Columns
    To show system columns, switch System Columns toggle to On.

    To show system columns, toggle System Columns to On

    Contact list editor actions

    When editing contacts, you can perform the following actions:

    Use bulk edit to select multiple contacts in the contact list. 

    Note: As a best practice, export contacts and make a backup before bulk operations.

    There are three ways to select contacts for bulk edit:

    • To select the contacts on the current page, click the box at the top of the checkbox column, and then click Select Current Page.
    • To select all the contacts in the contact list, click the box at the top of the checkbox column, and click Select All Pages
    • To select multiple individual contacts, select the checkboxes for each contact.

    After selecting the contacts, click Edit. The Bulk Edit Contacts dialog appears. Enter the values for your bulk edit:

    Section Enter values
    User Columns

    Select a column to edit and enter a value for the column. You can add more columns to edit. 

    Phone Columns

    You can edit Contact – Callable or User Phone – Callable columns. Callable columns apply to both Voice and SMS media types. To edit Contactable by Voice or Contactable by SMS media types for contacts, switch the Use contactable for Voice/SMS media types toggle to Yes. The default is No. Note, the contactable column is media type specific and takes precedence over callable columns for contact and phone columns. Genesys recommends that you use the contactable columns. 

    Next, select a phone column to edit and enter a value for the column.

    You can add more columns to edit.

    Note: When the Use contactable for Voice/SMS media types toggle is set to No, you can edit the Contact – Callable or Phone – Callable columns.
    Email Columns Select a column to edit and enter a value for the column. You can add more columns such as Contactable by Email Media Type to edit for contact and email columns.
    Note: If you want to add a column without a value, add a blank space in the Enter value box.

    Use bulk delete to select multiple contacts in the contact list. 

    Note: As a best practice, export contacts and make a backup before bulk operations.

    To bulk delete contacts from a contact list, click the box at the top of the checkbox column. Click Select Current Page or Select All Pages, and then click Delete.

    Note: Refresh the page to see bulk delete in progress. Bulk delete takes time to delete the contacts based on the number of contacts in the contact list.

    Filter contact lists to:

    • Create a new contact list filter to view specific contacts in a contact list.
    • Use an existing contact list filter.

    To create a new contact list filter: 

    1. Click Filter. The Select Filter Type dialog appears.
    2. Select Create ad-hoc filter, and under Conditions, configure the settings for the filter.
    3. Click Apply. The filtered list of contacts displays.
    4. You can save or clear the filter.
      1. To save your filter, click Save Filter and then in the Input filter name dialog, enter a name in the Contact List Filter Name box. You can create and save multiple filters. 
      2. To clear the filters, click Clear Filters

    To use an existing filter:

    1. Click Filter. The Select Filter Type dialog appears.
    2. Select Use existing Contact List Filter.
    3. Select the filter in the Contact List Filter box.

    The counts for the filtered totals appear in the lower left of the Contacts view. Figure shows the counts for the filtered totals, including: numbers for the entries on the current page, the number of contacts that matched the filter, and the total number of contacts in the contact list.

    The counts include:

    • Numbers for the entries on the current page
    • Number of contacts that matched the filter
    • The total number of contacts in the contact list

    The name of the current filter appears in the Applied Filter box. The name of the current filter is shown in the Applied Filter box at the top of the view.

    Note: You can perform actions such as bulk edit, bulk delete, sort, and export on filtered entries.

    You can sort contacts in a contact list with filters, or without filters. To sort contacts, follow these steps:
    1. Click Sort. The Sorting dialog appears.
    2. Configure the sorting settings.
    3. Click Apply. The sorted list of contacts displays.
    4. To clear the sort, click Clear Sort.

    To create a new contact for a contact list, click Create New, and enter the values for the contact:
    • User Columns:  Enter the values for the contact in the user columns.
    • Phone Columns: Set the phone column values that are defined in the contact list for the new contact.

      You can set Contact – Callable or User Phone – Callable columns. Callable columns apply to both Voice and SMS media types. By default, the Callable toggle is set to Yes. To set Contactable by Voice or Contactable by SMS media types for contacts, switch the Use contactable for Voice/SMS media types toggle to Yes. The default is No. Note, the contactable column is media type specific and takes precedence over callable columns for contact and phone columns. Genesys recommends that you use the contactable columns. 

    • Email Columns: To allow the contact to be contactable by email, switch the Contactable by Email toggle to Yes, and configure the email column values. The default is Yes

    Use Edit to modify a contact in the contact list. 

    To select a contact to edit, select the checkbox for the contact, and then click Edit.

     You can edit the following columns.

    Section Enter Values

    User Columns

    Select a column to edit and enter a value for the column. 
    Phone Columns

    You can edit the existing Contact – Callable or User Phone – Callable columns. Callable columns apply to both Voice and SMS media types. To transition to columns contactable for contact or phone columns by specific media type Voice or SMS, switch to the Use contactable for Voice/SMS media types toggle to Yes. The default is No. Note, the contactable column is media type specific. If you edit and save this column, it takes precedence over callable columns for contact and phone columns. Genesys recommends that you use the contactable columns. 

    Email Columns Select a column to edit and enter a value for the column. 

    To allow the contact to be contactable by email, switch the Contactable by Email toggle to Yes, and configure the email column values. The default is Yes

    Non-Editable System Columns

    Shows the Last Attempt and the Last Result for phone and email columns. 

    When the contact list uses ATZM mapping, then if the phone columns and zip code are set, the Automatic Time Zone information appears. 

    Use the Search fields to view specific contacts in a contact list. Search one or two fields to display contacts for the selected columns. 

    To create a search:

    1. In the column search field, enter a value to search for contacts. Search uses the contains operator to search for a value. You can use one or two Search fields for a search.
    2. Click Apply. The list of contacts from the search displays. 
    3. To clear the search, click Clear Filters
    Note: When you apply a filter to a contact list, the Search fields are not available.

    You can export contacts from a contact list to a .csv file, and then download the file.

    There are three ways to export contacts.
    You can export:

    • All contacts from a contact list.
    • Selected contacts from a contact list.
    • Contacts from a list created by a Filter.  

    To export all contacts from a contact list:

    1. Click Export All.
    2. When the .csv file is created, select Click here to download.
      Figure shows selecting Click here to download, for exporting All contacts
    3. The exported file is available in your browser’s download directory. 

    To export selected contacts from a contact list: 

    1. Select the checkbox for each contact to include in your export.
    2. Click Export Selected.
    3. When the .csv file is created, select Click here to download.
      Figure shows selecting Click here to download, for exporting selected contacts
    4. The exported file is available in your browser’s download directory. 

    To export contacts from a list created by a Filter:

    1. Click Export Filtered.
    2. When the .csv file is created, select Click here to download.
      Figure shows selecting Click here to download, for exporting filtered contacts
    3. The exported file is available in your browser’s download directory. 

    • When you export all contacts from a contact list, it is good practice to export again, specifically if you previously exported a filtered list.
    • In some contact lists, when viewing the contacts in the contact list editor, you see the columns ContactableByVoice and ContactableBySms, and respective phone-specific contactable columns with the value null. Exporting the list shows either 0 or 1 in these columns. The exported list shows the contacts as they are treated when dialing or messaging, and as a result, when ContactableByVoice is null and Callable is True , the exported list shows ContactableByVoice and ContactableBySms to be 1. Although, they are actually null , as the contact defaults to the Callable value.